Scotts Branch Elementary School Replacement School
8220 Tawnmoore Rd.
Baltimore, Maryland
Design: 2019-2023 ; Construction:
Architect: JMT Architecture
Civil Engineer: Site Resources, Inc.
Structural Engineer: Columbia Engineering, Inc.
Geotechnical Engineer of Record – DWK performed a subsurface investigation and provided foundation, earthwork, pavement, and stormwater recommendations for a new 2-story replacement school. The new school is expected to cost $49 million dollars.
Caver Center for Arts and Technology Replacement School
938 York Rd.
Towson, Maryland
Design: 2009 ; Construction: 2012
Architect: Grimm + Parker
Civil Engineer: KCI Technologies
Structural Engineer: Columbia Engineering, Inc.

Geotechnical Engineer of Record – This project involved design and construction of a new 220,000± square foot $55.2 million dollar LEED Silver replacement school designed to support 1,000 students and constructed on the Northeast portion of the Carver Campus. Included in DWK’s scope were subsurface investigation and design for building foundation and site retaining walls, recommendations regarding significant amount of earthwork (cuts and fills of up to 15-ft.) required to achieve site grades, recommendations for new utilities, athletic fields, parking lots, and stormwater management.
Stoneleigh Elementary School Additions
900 Pemerton Rd.
Towson, Maryland

Design: 2011 ; Construction: 2014
Architect: JMT Architecture (formerly known as Rubeling & Associates)
Civil Engineer: Site Resources, Inc.
Structural Engineer: Morabito Consultants, Inc.
Geotechnical Engineer of Record – The original building was constructed in 1929, and an addition was added in 1949. This project consisted of a 19,000± square foot 2-story addition to the historic school. In addition to the building addition, new asphalt drives and parking areas, as well as SWM devices, were required and included in our Scope of Work. DWK also provided construction observation and testing services.
Sparks Elementary School Addition
601 Belfast Rd.
Sparks, Maryland
Design: 2014 ; Construction: 2017
Architect: Muphy & Dittenhafer Architects
Civil Engineer: Site Resources, Inc.
Structural Engineer: Carroll Engineering, Inc.
Geotechnical Engineer of Record – A building addition consisting of nine classrooms was constructed at the existing Sparks Elementary School, which was constructed in 1999. The construction of these classrooms also required construction of several bioretention devices and a new concrete paved fire lane.
Mays Chapel Elementary Schoo
12250 Roundwood Rd.
Timonium, Maryland
Design: 2012 ; Construction: 2016
Architect: Grimm + Parker
Civil Engineer: KCI Technologies
Structural Engineer: Columbia Engineering, Inc.
Geotechnical Engineer of Record – A new, two-story, 150,000± s.f. elementary school was constructed in Baltimore County. In addition to the building, athletic fields, roadways, parking area and SWM devices were designed. The site also had to include provisions for future portable classrooms.